Singing Guide: Lawrence Winters
Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources
Lawrence Winters was an operatic baritone from Ohio whose talent and style made him stand out in his day as part of a racial minority. His singing contributions were marked with a baritone voice that was described as "powerful", alongside an execution that often emphasized his unique range of lows. He had an ornamental vibrato he used to enhance his somewhat idiosyncratic phrasing in his performances.
Winters was renowned for his performances of "Ol' Man River," the classic from the musical Show Boat. The song is not only moving but also serves as a distinct example of his eclectic singing style. If one is interested in learning to sing like Winters, watching his performances of the song will serve as a relatable starting point.
The gradual crescendos accompanied by the steady ascent of vocal notes, with a gradual decrescendo that draws out of a listenerâs emotions, most distinctive about Wintersâ singing. He utilized his musical theater skills combined with his proficiency in opera to create a style that was unique unto himself. For a beginner, what may stand out is his use of "vocal fry," a technique in which the lower limits of the voice are used to produce harsh, scratching sounds.
Some Wintersâ favorite songs include:
- Ol' Man River
- Bella figlia dell'amore
- O Carlo, ascolatemi
- Hallelujah
To hone your vocals, begin by taking a vocal range test on Singing Carrots as this will help identify your vocal range based using the example of other famous singers. Having the right range that matches Wintersâ style is essential. For instance, if you're a bass, youâll need to work on enhancing your high notes, which transition into a tenor-like range since Winters' voice often involved elongated mid-to-high notes.
It would be best if you also practiced correct breathing techniques; the right breathing is essential when singing. Singing is about structured breathing, as you need to maximize lung capacity and control the flow of air to your vocals.
Singing Carrot's course entitled Beginner Singing Course- link in resources - would be an ideal starting point not just to have an introduction to vocal techniques, but to learn key warm-up exercises, practice drills and even practical tips, which would help build your skills.
In conclusion, singing like Lawrence Winters requires hard work and dedication - and Singing Carrots provides the right resources for you to develop your skills effectively. Whether you want to improve your breathing or expand your vocal range, there is a wealth of information on Singing Carrots that will benefit you.